Saturday, October 01, 2005

AK & Edd

This is an old photo of my late bro and his best bud, AK. That's "A-K", like the weapon. He is the toughest lad I know. He's small enough to stretch out completely on my massage table, and he can lift and carry a Harley engine. He probably shouldn't, but I'm not going to be the one to break it to him..... He's the only person I know that I can lift who can lift me in return--and I'm a great whopping gi-normous lad. AK now wears his hair in a microscopic mohawk. He has this amazing gravelly voice that sounds like it should be coming out of a much larger person. He works his bum off, and he goes to bed earlier than any tough guy you've ever met. I'm glad we're friends. He's great. The doggie is his--named "King". The sweetest pitbull you'll ever meet--just a big love sponge.


At Sun Oct 02, 11:01:00 AM 2005, Blogger Kurt said...

which is which?

At Sun Oct 02, 11:09:00 AM 2005, Blogger Trey said...

AK is on the left, and Edd is the big guy smiling.

At Sun Oct 02, 03:10:00 PM 2005, Blogger M said...

Awww, I love tough guys who are sweet inside, kinda like Bogey.


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