Friday, September 30, 2005

My Buddy, Art

This is “Art”. I’ve had him for about 10 years now. He’s cast from a boxer’s lifecast, made of surgical latex. He’s both a statue and a punching bag. Well, he was designed to be a punching bag, but he has the obvious statue appeal.
He’s wearing my bicycle helmet, and the eyes are from the early version of the “my eye” picture. He has a third function—scarecrow. People are often startled by him—at a glance, it looks like someone’s lurking by my back door. He’s even surprised me a few times. He is adjustable—you can raise and lower him to suit the height of your choosing. He stands up to being punched and kicked – witness the streaks on him. Those are from a variety of gloves and shoes. I have never kicked him barefooted—the few times I’ve given him a bare knuckled swat discouraged that.
“So, Trey—you’re a Buddhist and all—what’s up with this?”
I once read that for a pauper to renounce wealth is meaningless. So I reckon for a person no good at kicking ass, renouncing violence would be equally meaningless. Plus, it’s great exercise.


At Fri Sep 30, 08:50:00 PM 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I seriously need some lessons.

At Fri Sep 30, 11:12:00 PM 2005, Blogger Trey said...

ok--first, remember that all the showy stuff on TV/films is BS. Jabs (straight arm forward punches)look cool, but carry little real power. Learn the hook and uppercuts--more bang for you buck. If you must kick, kick knees/groins--that flashy headkicking stuff looks cool, but puts you in a vulnerable position.
When too close to punch, headbutt--use your boney bits--NOT the face. Also, remember to run like hell when possible--like as soon as they are down. If you absolutely believe that fighting is the only way out of a situation, don't hestitate, commit fully, and then get the hell away. It's about surviving, not looking cool. If you don't know how to deliver a hook/uppercut, those awful Billy Bragg taeBo videos will give you basic "how to"s. Then practice on a bag or something "Art-like". The more you practice, the more likely you are to successfully use your skills when surprised. Most of all, be smart and be safe.

At Fri Sep 30, 11:56:00 PM 2005, Blogger M said...

"for a pauper to renounce wealth is meaningless. So I reckon for a person no good at kicking ass, renouncing violence would be equally meaningless."

That's so intelligent! Truly brilliant. :-O

At Sun Oct 02, 09:49:00 PM 2005, Blogger M said...

I meant to ask you -- why do you use this thing as a scare crow? Do you grow stuff in your backyard? How do you find the time to do so much stuff?!

At Sun Oct 02, 10:05:00 PM 2005, Blogger Trey said...

I meant "scarecrow" in the "scarehuman" sense-- people think someone is lurking by my back door, so they scurry off. I haven't had a vegetable garden yet at this address, but I must admit, it's on my "to do" list for next spring. I find that the busier I am, the more I get done--it's just weird!:)


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